
Welcome to the Intellivision Revolution!

The Ultimate PC Interface Now supports Intellivision, Colecovision, and Atari 2600

The Ultimate PC Interface now supports Intellivision, Colecovision, and Atari 2600! All the more reason to pick one up. 

This is available to purchase at INTELLIVISION.US.

If you are interested in an interface only for the controllers, check out the VISION 'DAPTOR

Product Description

The only way to play Intellivision games is with the unique controller. This is easly obtained by playing Intellivision games on the real hardware. The second option would be in emulation on the PC but the PC keyboard has no way to reproduce the 16 direction disc or the feel of the controller.

Enter the Ultimate PC Interface for the Intellivision. Available ONLY here. It allows you to connect two (2) Intellivision controllers and the PC through a USB connector.


What makes this the Ultimate PC Interface for the Intellivision? It also supports the ECS keyboard! Play the ECS games as they were meant to be played. Learn to type 80's style with Flintstones Keyboard Fun. There is no other way to type a Basic program other than with the ECS keyboard!


The Music Synthesizer is also supported! Melody Blaster must be enjoyed with the Music Sythesizer.... and now on your PC. Ultimate PC Interface for the Intellivision is the only interface that supports both ECS interfaces!


And there is more! Support for the Colecovision and Atari 2600 (see support section below) is also included....along side with the Intellivision controller! Even though there are two connections to one interface, you can still mix and match controller types. A majority of controller buttons are mapped the same making it easy to define one controller type in an emulator and then change controllers without having to redefine it.



- All Intellivision controllers are fully supported by the jzIntv Intellivision emulator (see below). Emulators such as Nostalgia, BlueMSX, and MESS, that support joysticks, will support the controllers but not the Music Synthesizer. BlueMSX supports the Colecovision controllers. No emulator currently supports the Colecovision spinner (Super Action spinner and steering wheel)

- Supports 2 different controllers simultaneously with the DB9 connectors. Use the original Intellivision controllers (with dongle), Intellivision 2 controllers, Sears Arcade controllers, Colecovision controllers, Coleco Super Action controllers with spinner support, Coleco steering wheel, and the Atari 2600 joystick.

- Includes a dongle for connecting the original Intellivision controllers without modifying the cord (see photo below)

- Supports all 16 directions of the Intellivision DISC

- Supports all 8 directions of the Colecovision and Atari 2600 joystick

- Supports the ECS keyboard. It works natively in the operating system. Use it in your word processor!

- Supports the Music Synthesizer. Currently only supported by the jzIntv emulator

- Supports the Colecovision spinner which is used by the Super Action Controller and the Steering Wheel

- USB 2.0 and backwards compatible with USB 1.1

- Compatible with Windows/Mac/Linux - any O/S that natively supports USB HID devices

- Data transmitted 1000 times a second for minimal delay

- Firmware is upgradable (Windows O/S required) - UPGRADE 2012 units for Colecovision/Atari support by clicking here



The Ultimate PC Interface for the Intellivision is 100% supported by the jzIntv emulator. (Available HERE)
jzIntv has been tested in Windows XP, Windows 7, and Linux Mint. Other operating systems will be added to this list as they are tested.

The Ultimate PC Interface for the Intellivision will work with other emulators as the interface presents itself to the operating system as a joystick,when set to joystick mode. The ECS keyboard and Music Sythesizer modes may not be properly recognized by all emulators. An example would be Nostalgia where it does recognize the ECS keyboard but Nostalgia uses the computer's ESC key to exit a game so Flintstones Keyboard Fun will not be playable.

Using the Ultimate Interface

The interface unit has 4 modes. Use the switches to change the mode. See the interface label for reference. The side with the label is considered the TOP / UP side.

- ECS Keyboard - left switch DOWN, right switch UP
- Music Sythesizer - left switch DOWN, right switch DOWN
- Hand Controllers (2 different modes) - left switch UP, right switch DOWN for Intellivision controllers and UP for Autosense Mode

Autosense Mode supports all the controllers. To activate the controller, press and side button or the zero button BEFORE plugging in the USB connector. If no button is pressed the interface will default to the Colecovision/Atari mode.

Configured for only the Intellivision controllers

The interface MUST be unplgged from the USB and reconnected when switching modes.

The two DB9 connectors are labeled "A" and "B". "A" is for the left controller and "B" is for the right controller. Connect the ECS interfaces as shown below.

Connecting the ECS Keyboard or Music Synthesizer

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