
Welcome to the Intellivision Revolution!

Intellivision Reproduction Boxes Set 2 NOW AVAILABLE

Are you missing boxes from your collection but do not want to pay the high price? Do you hesitate on paying $500.00+ for a Spiker box? If you answer yes, then reproduction boxes are for you!
These boxes are incredible! The feel of the box is just like the 83' boxes and the print quality is beautiful! These are NOT digitally printed. Each design will have a cartridge retention system.
These boxes feel like the original Mattel boxes!
Intellivision Reproduction Set 2 consist of:
• Dig Dug 
• Diner 
• Learning Fun I 
• Stadium Mud Buggies 
• Thunder Castle 
• Triple Challenge 
Included are 3 "NEW" stickers which can be put on the Dig Dug, Learning Fun I, and Triple Challenge boxes.
Also included are 2 "FOR ONE PLAYER" stickers for the front and back of the Dig Dug box to correct the original error. 


No games, manuals or overlays are sold with this set. You will receive the boxes only with 5 stickers.
(information courtesy of

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