A recent Ebay auction for a rare Intellivision Jerrold PlayCable has sold on Ebay for $1,125.00. Visit the auction here. Intellivision collector 'CMART' has added this rare gem to his collection.
Blog posts : "Auctions"
Star Wars Revenge of the Jedi Intellivision box sold
A prototype box for Star Wars Revenge of the Jedi sold on the online auction site INVALUABLE in December 2015 for $550.00. See the details HERE.
FEATURED AUCTION Intellivision Framed Ads Collection
Check out a cool auction up for sale on Ebay. A collection of 7 original Intellivision game ads in frames.
Intellivision Keyboard Component up for Auction
The very rare Intellivision Keyboard Component is up for auction on ebay, set at $4,000.00 buy-it-now or make an offer. this could be yours if you act fast!
Sealed General Foods KOOL AID MAN Auction
Currently up on Ebay is a copy of Kool Aid Man for the Intellivision. What makes this item so unique is that it is sealed and comes with the shipping box from Gerneral Foods as part of a promo giveaway. It will be interesting to see the outcome of this auction. See the AUCTION HERE.
Elektronite Going On Break ORDER GAMES NOW
Elektronite, will be moving operations overseas from the homebase in Canada and will be going on a 6 month break from selling any of its current line up. Now is your chance to make a few last minute purchases. Elektronite will be back up and running in spring of 2014. They will be end current sales December 15, 2013.
Head on over to CLASSIC GAME PUBLISHERS to make your selection.
JasonLikesIntv wins the Mouse Trap Contest with a 20 Million Score
Congratulations! Check out the contest leaderboards HERE.
Hover Bovver HALF CUT Edition Available For Pre Order Now

Ever since the president of Elektronite was involved in creating the world's first Intellivision emulator, he has been trying to get Hover Bovver made for the platform.
Back in the late 90s, before Intellivision Productions released Intellivision Lives!, Jeff Minter was sent the emulator and development kit. He spent one weekend, knocking the game together on the Intellivision, but quickly abandoned it. This picture is all that remains of that effort.
The SEARS Tele-Games Overlay Set
Introducing the upcoming Intellivision Sears Tele-Games branded Overlay set! This set is in the works from AtariAge user Pboland and is making great progress. Also planned is a newly designed custom box to house the overlays set in. Also rumored is custom cartridge stickers to match. Hopefully this sees a release this year. This has been added to the Homebrew Release section as well.
Mega Rare Intellivision Lot For Sale
A one of a lifetime Intellivision auctions has surfaced on Ebay, one like this may never be seen again. Take a look at the auction HERE. Who will step up to aquire this $25,000 starting bid auction? Below is the full description from the auction.
- Intellivision
- Owner's book
- Microphone with Stand
- Cable Extender
- Mattel Intellivision Basic…
Intellivision / Gameboy Development Kit Up For Auction
Up currently on Ebay is a one-of-a-kind Intellivision/Gameboy development kit. View the auction HERE.
This is a truly one-of-a-kind auction. The following is from the auction description:
I am the developer of Intellivision for GameBoy Color (hereafter I4GBC), the world's first Intellivision emulator for a portable system (developed between 2000-2001), and this is the actual development system I used to develop and test I4GBC.
Not only is this development system historically significant (be…
King Of The Mountain Reviewed by Retro Video Gamer

Review by TrekMd - Score: 10/10 - King of the Mountain (KOTM) is one of those games that you look at and you tend to underestimate but quickly figure out just how wrong you were! KOTM is a one-player homebrew game for the Intellivision in which you play a hiker who has to climb 10 mountains, each of increasing difficulty, just for the fun of it. You start the game at a park map where you are in your car and you drive to each of the mountains before each climb.
Once you select a mountain, you…
Intellivision Playcable Surfaces

The ultra rare Intellivision Playcable by General Instrument has surfaced recently on Ebay, with little time left until the close of the auction it is holding at 500.00. It has been years since one has last sold on Ebay and this is rumored to possibly reach into the thousands. Keep watch of the auction here.
Sealed Tutankham and Super Cobra
Recent sales on Ebay of Tutankham and Super Cobra SEALED went for a nice price. Tutankham sold for $1,136.11 and Super Cobra sold for $349.44. These two games are rare to find opened, even more rare to find them sealed!
Congo Bongo Sells For A Near Record Price
A near record sale of Congo Bongo for the Intellivision of $650.00. This very rare game peaked a few years ago at around $800.00. This box appears to be in very good shape as why it may of commanded such a high price.
Another Congo Bongo sold on a Buy It Now for $349.95.
Robot Rubble & League Of Light for Intellivision SOLD!
Robot Rubble and League Of Light recently sold on Ebay for $1,485.00. These 2 have the Activision style carts which very few were made in this style.
Also a separate League Of Light recently sold for $667.77 on Ebay as well.
Robot Rubble also sold recently by itself for $484.99