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Blog posts : "nanochess"

OH MUMMY for the Mattel Intellivision free digital ROM download

Download the digital ROM for a new game, Oh Mummy! for the Intellivision. Courteous of Nanochess.

IntyBasic Page Updated

The IntyBasic page has a few updates on it. IntyBasic V.07 is out along with the newly added IntyColor! Also added a few games including Blast It by Dave Akers, a Laser Blast clone that is in progress. Enjoy, and download the program and start your game!


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The IntyBasic Game Database

Visit the new IntyBasic Game Database for a view of all known games and tech demos that utilize the new Intellivision Basic Compiler.

INTYBASIC V0.5 now Available to Download

IntyBasic V0.5 is now available to download. IntyBASIC is an integer BASIC language cross-compiler for Intellivision that helps greatly to ease in writing new games. The new V0.5 version implement the SCROLL and BORDER statements in IntyBASIC, also path selection for libraries using a command-line argument.


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4 blog posts