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Blog posts : "emulation"

OH MUMMY for the Mattel Intellivision free digital ROM download

Download the digital ROM for a new game, Oh Mummy! for the Intellivision. Courteous of Nanochess.

Order the LTO FLASH Intellivision Multi Cart NOW SHIPPING

The LTO FLASH by Left Turn Only is now shipping. Order your copy direct HERE.

PIXEL VISION a handmade portable Rasberry Pi gaming system

Check out the OFFICIAL PAGE for full details. 

Use IntyBasic to Program your own Intellivision game

Nanochess has released the latest IntyBasic programming revision. Download V1.0 now!

RASPIVISION Rasberry Pi Custom Intellivision Console

JzIntv Intellivision Emulator updated for 2015

JzIntv has a new update for 2015. Download HERE


INTYBASIC V0.5 now Available to Download

IntyBasic V0.5 is now available to download. IntyBASIC is an integer BASIC language cross-compiler for Intellivision that helps greatly to ease in writing new games. The new V0.5 version implement the SCROLL and BORDER statements in IntyBASIC, also path selection for libraries using a command-line argument.


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Hyperspin Intellivision Emulation Menu Screen

Ultimate PC Interface back in stock

The Ultimate PC Interface for the Intellivision is available to order once again. In case you missed out on this previously now is your chance to purchase one before they are no longer available. Head over to INTELLIVISION.US for the ordering details.

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The Ultimate PC Interface Now supports Intellivision, Colecovision, and Atari 2600

The Ultimate PC Interface now supports Intellivision, Colecovision, and Atari 2600! All the more reason to pick one up. 

This is available to purchase at INTELLIVISION.US.

If you are interested in an interface only for the controllers, check out the VISION 'DAPTOR

Product Description

The only way to play Intellivision games is with the unique controller. This is easly obtained by playing Intellivision games on the real hardware. The second option would be in emulation on the PC but th…

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Mega-Emu Arcade Interface Compatible with Intellivision

The Mega-Emu is an interface that can be used with emulation in arcade cabinets. You may connect up a large variety of original console controllers for more authentic gameplay, including the Mattel Intellivision. Check out for the Mega-Emu page for more details and where to order it.

Intellivision Cuttle Cart 3 is Sold Out

If you were planning on ordering Chad Schell's Intellivision multi-cart the Cuttle Cart 3 you will no longer be able to do so as of right now. It is listed as tentatively sold out, unless a pending order is canceled you may have to go the auction route. No additional units are being planned, similar to the Atari versions once they are gone...they are gone! Visit the official Cuttle Cart 3 page for additional details.

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12 blog posts